Notorious bandit leader, Bello Turji, has released a video where hostages from the Moriki community in Zamfara State whom he kidnapped last week are seen pleading for their lives after the deadline he gave for the payment of a N50 million levy expired on Wednesday.

Turji had placed the levy on the community following an alleged killing of cows belonging to Fulani people by soldiers with the belief that the people of the community gave information to the soldiers.

In the video, Turji also confirmed imposing the N50 million tax on Moriki residents which he said they must pay or he would kill those he had kidnapped.

The bandit leader however, dismissed a report by a security analyst, Bulama Bukarti, that he imposed a N30 million tax on residents of Moriki.

He faulted Bukarti for failing to report that security agencies killed cattle in Moriki, hence the fine.

Speaking in Hausa, Turji said:

“My name is Bello Turji. I heard of someone named Bulama Bukarti, who made statements alleging that Turji imposed taxes on the people of Moriki. All that he said is true.

READ ALSO:Terrorist leader Bello Turji is a deranged man, his days are numbered —Defence chief

“However, he mentioned only one reason, that they chased our cattle. That’s not the full story. Call whoever told you this, and speak to my people for a proper conversation. Then, you can judge fairly.

“Why would you allow your people to tell you a one-sided story and rush to tell the public? You are a slave of the West, and you, along with Bello, should know that the tax we imposed on Moriki people is N50 million.

“You speak about the people of Moriki, but you didn’t mention how they killed our cattle. Listen carefully, people of Moriki: I am warning you. They didn’t deploy soldiers from Enugu or Port Harcourt to kill our people just to make you happy while the West’s slaves published it to the public.

“Tell us what our cattle did in June and July when they were killed. They didn’t invade anyone’s home. They were grazing when they were shot and killed in broad daylight.

“Yet Bukarti hasn’t spoken about that. Instead, he criticizes us for our actions.”

See the video below:

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