In the wake of the devastating floods that recently swept through Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, the Borno State Police Command has issued a series of guidelines aimed at managing the aftermath of the disaster.

The guidelines, announced in a press release on Wednesday by Police Public Relations Officer Ahmed Wakil, emphasize the importance of caution and vigilance in dealing with potential risks.

According to Wakil, Commissioner of Police Mohammed Yusufu stressed that the Command is working closely with relevant agencies to maintain law and order, ensure public safety, prevent criminal activities, and support rescue operations for those affected by the flood.

“The Command is working closely with relevant agencies to maintain law and order, ensure public safety, prevent criminal activities, and support rescue operations for those affected by the flood,” the statement read.

Post-Flood Precautions

To ensure public safety, residents are advised to:

– Stay Alert: Report any suspicious activities or individuals to the authorities

– Avoid Flooded Areas: Reduce the risk of waterborne diseases and accidents

– Be Mindful of Looting or Theft: Protect personal property and belongings

– Cooperate with Emergency Responders: Allow humanitarian workers to provide assistance

– Verify Information: Prevent the spread of misinformation

The police have also provided emergency contact numbers for residents to report any concerns or emergencies: 0806 807 5581 and 0802 347 3293.

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